MrBayes blocks Sample block begin mrbayes; [The following line is useful for automatic execution with no warnings issued before files are overwritten and automatic termination of chains after the prespecified number of generations.] set autoclose=yes nowarn=yes; [The following block demonstrates how you can set up a model that allows the third codon position to have gamma-distributed rate variation with a different shape parameter than the first and second positions.] charset first_pos = 1-720\3; charset second_pos = 2-720\3; charset third_pos = 3-720\3; partition by_codon = 3:first_pos,second_pos,third_pos; [Sets starting tree. If no tree is defined, a random tree is used.] usertree = (((FR:0.121947,MS2:0.085573):0.164488,GA:0.245551):0.215261, ((SP:0.108856,NL95:0.111132):0.106193,((M11:0.061203,MX1:0.100377): 0.113943,QB:0.131502):0.091978):0.281641,PP7:0.465396); ["sitepartition=bycodon" sets the name of the site partition to use for site specific rate variation as "bycodon"] set partition=by_codon; [sets the parameters of the likelihood model."nst=6" sets the general time reversible model.] lset nst=6 rates=gamma; [ Suggested starting model] [alternatively, if you want to apply different models to different paritions of the data, for instance a different model for 1st & 2nd codon positions vs 3rd codon positions lset applyto=(1,2) nst=2 lset applyto=(3) nst=6 os números entre parenteses correspondem à ordem na definição da partition "by_codon=3:..." you can also use applyto=(all), attempts to apply parameter settings to all of the data partitions. [This is the line that allows the gamma shape parameter of the third partition to be unique:] unlink shape=(3); [run for "ngen", print results to screen every "printfreq", save current tree to file every "samplefreq", run "nchains" simultaneously, save branch lengths] mcmc ngen=1000 printfreq=100 samplefreq=100 nchains=4 savebrlens=yes burnin=00; [burnin=number of trees to be ignored. contype is the consesus type. Set to "halfcompat" returns the equivalent of 50% majority rule in PAUP*, "allcompat" returns equivalent to 50% majority rule with 'show frequencies of all observed biparitions' ticked.] sumt filename=replicase.nex.t contype=allcompat burnin=00; [sumt and sump have SEPARATE BURNIN times] end;